NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NSD202.EXE NSD for Novell Requester for OS/2 DOCUMENT ID: TID000487 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 09AUG93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: NSD202.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Client for OS/2 Pre 1.3 NetWare Client for OS/2 1.3 NetWare Client for OS/2 Pre 2.01 NetWare Client for OS/2 2.01 ABSTRACT: This file contains the Novell Service Diskette for Novell Requester for OS/2 v2.0. This is a self-extracting file. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: NSD202.EXE Files Included Size Date Time \ INSTALL.DLL 32768 11-05-92 2:20p INSTALL.EXE 66240 11-09-92 1:06p INSTALL.HLP 75511 09-09-92 4:11p NSD.LVL 17 11-11-92 09:12a NSD202.TXT (This File.) README.TXT 23283 11-11-92 2:57p SECURITY.DOC 30430 01-20-93 4:41p \DRIVERS\ TOKEN.SYS 27152 08-31-92 2:41p \REQUESTR\ DDAEMON.EXE 9085 09-04-92 12:13p DOSVIPX.SYS 10482 07-23-92 3:35p DOSVSHLL.SYS 5152 10-28-92 07:50a IPX.SYS 11216 06-30-92 1:29p NETX.EXE 77312 11-13-92 07:21a NMPIPE.SYS 16560 06-30-92 09:20a NPDAEMON.EXE 25728 06-30-92 12:05p NPSERVER.SYS 27472 08-18-92 3:13p NWCALLS.DLL 110992 01-21-93 5:42p NWDAEMON.EXE 26816 10-16-92 09:07a NWIFS.IFS 36016 11-05-92 4:03p NWREQ.SYS 26272 11-05-92 4:03p NWTOOLS.DLL 118272 10-22-92 08:13a NWTOOLS.EXE 104608 10-22-92 08:13a RPRINTER.EXE 55808 09-17-92 2:24p RPRINTER.HLP 6740 04-23-92 1:33p SPX.SYS 15440 07-13-92 07:16a VIPX.SYS 49152 08-14-92 3:42p VSHELL.SYS 57344 10-28-92 07:46a NSD202.DOC file for NSD #2 NetWare Workstation Kit for OS/2 V2.0 This is the second Novell Service Diskette (NSD #2) for NetWare Workstation Kit for OS/2 v2.0. It solves minor problems found in the software. *************************************************************** NSD #2 is an update, not an upgrade. The original NetWare Requester for OS/2 v2.0 (to be used with systems running IBM OS/2 v2.0) must be installed first, prior to installing the NSD #2 update. NSD #2 will NOT provide an upgrade from NetWare Requester for OS/2 v1.3 to NetWare Requester for OS/2 v2.0. *************************************************************** Novell Service Diskettes are available on NetWire and to subscribers of the NetWare UpDate program. *************************************************************** THESE ARE THE SAME FILES FOUND IN SECOS2.EXE, WHICH ARE THE NETWARE SECURITY FILES. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE SECURITY ISSUE REFER TO SECURITY.DOC. *************************************************************** INSTALLING THE NSD Step 1 Boot the workstation with OS/2 and open an "OS/2 Window" or "OS/2 Full Screen." The command line prompt appears. NOTE: You can press F1 or click the "Help" button for help during this procedure. Step 2 Insert the NSD diskette into a floppy drive, change to that drive, and type the following: INSTALL An installation window appears. Step 3 Select "NSD on Workstation" from the Installation menu. Step 4 Choose a target and source location and choose "OK." A "Copy Files" window appears. Step 5 Choose "Copy." The NSD files are copied to your hard disk. Click "OK" on the "Installation complete" message. Step 6 Close the installation program by double-clicking the icon in the upper left corner of the window. Step 7 If you use the NetWare Tools utility, you will need to delete the NWTOOLS.INI file in the OS2 subdirectory of your boot drive. For example, if OS/2 is installed on D:, delete D:\OS2\NWTOOLS.INI. This file contains the settings to restore the window positions from your last NWTOOLS session. Because of format changes, the old file is incompatible with the NetWare Tools included with this NSD. A new NWTOOLS.INI will be created if you exit NetWare Tools and check the box to save window settings. Step 8 If you want to set up DOS or Windows virtual sessions, read the information in the README.TXT file that came on this NSD. This file was automatically copied to your hard drive with the other NetWare Requester files. You must reboot for the changes to take effect. NEW OR CHANGED DRIVERS The following driver has been updated since the NetWare Requester v2.0 was released: TOKEN.SYS (NSD #1) PROBLEMS SOLVED BY THIS NSD (#2) NSD20L02--1 A feature called NCP Packet Signature has been implemented to enhance security on a NetWare network. This feature is enabled by default. You can disable it if desired. See the NSD02SEC.DOC text file for a full explanation of this security feature. NSD20L02--2 Previously, when using NWTOOLS, you may have been unable to attach to a new server when you were already attached to to one server. This problem has been solved. NSD20L02--3 NETX.COM has now become NETX.EXE. This requires two changes to setting up DOS and Windows support. The DOS Settings for DOS_FILES must be set to 214. Also, in the DOS Settings for DOS_VERSION, the NETX.COM must be changed to read NETX.EXE. Instructions for setting up virtual DOS and Windows sessions are fully documented in the README.TXT that came with this NSD. Follow those instructions. PROBLEMS SOLVED BY THIS NSD (#1) Virtual DOS and Windows Support Changes -------------------------------------------------------- NSD20L01--1 Global virtual DOS sessions will now function properly when you execute a LOGIN or other NetWare command from your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Components changed: VSHELL.SYS, DOSVSHLL.SYS NSD20L01--2 In the previous version, you may have received an "LSL out of resources" error when using a DOS application which connected to many nodes. This no longer occurs. Components changed: VIPX.SYS, DOSVIPX.SYS NSD20L01--3 Applications that made frequent requests to the DOS kernel sometimes used to hang. They now work properly. Components changed: VIPX.SYS, DOSVIPX.SYS NSD20L01--4 DOS applications sometimes ran out of memory. This no longer occurs. Components changed: VIPX.SYS, DOSVIPX.SYS NSD20L01--5 Very rarely, your machine would hang when using NetWare connections from DOS sessions. This no longer occurs. Components changed: VIPX.SYS, DOSVIPX.SYS Named Pipes Changes ---------------------------- NSD20L01--6 You can now receive diagnostic information for Named Pipes clients in servers from network management programs. Components changed: NPCALLS.DLL, NMPIPE.SYS, NPSERVER.SYS NSD20L01--7 In previous versions, intensive asynchronous transmission sometimes hung the Named Pipes server. This problem has been solved. Components changed: NMPIPE.SYS NSD20L01--8 In previous versions, when you aborted an application (for example, with CTRL-C), the application would close, but the Named Pipe would remain open. You may have received various resource errors as a result. This problem no longer occurs. Components changed: NMPIPE.SYS NSD20L01--9 In previous versions, if you had more than 50 Named Pipes servers, you didn't always see all available servers in the server listing. Now you can see up to 100 servers at once. Components changed: NMPIPE.SYS NSD20L01--10 Your Named Pipes requests are now routed properly when you're running dual Requesters. Components changed: NMPIPE.SYS, NWIFS.IFS NSD20L01--11 ANSI escape characters are no longer used in the Named Pipes messages and displays. Components changed: NMPIPE.SYS, NPSERVER.SYS NSD20L01--12 Named Pipes servers that were used very heavily sometimes ran out of LSL buffers or other resources. When this occurred, you no longer had access to NetWare Services. You will no longer experience this problem. Components changed: NPSERVER.SYS NSD20L01--13 DOS Named Pipes clients were not terminating SPX Named Pipe connections cleanly. Instead, the connection eventually timed out on the DOS side. Connections now terminate properly. Components changed: NPSERVER.SYS NSD20L01--14 Your Named Pipes server occasionally might have hung on DOSCallNMPipe. This no longer occurs. Components changed: NPSERVER.SYS SPX Changes ----------------- NSD20L01--15 On busy networks, your machine may have had trouble reliably receiving SPX transmissions. This no longer occurs. Components changed: SPX.SYS NSD20L01--16 SPX packets on busy networks are received more slowly than expected by your workstation. This might happen when your network becomes congested, for example, when a router becomes a bottleneck. When your workstation doesn't receive packets as expected, it sends out packets to determine if the SPX connections are still alive. In previous versions, these packets were sent out too frequently, resulting in even more traffic on an already busy network. We now send out fewer packets when networks are in a congested state. Components changed: SPX.SYS NSD20L01--17 The default for the following NET.CFG option has been changed from 20 to 15: Protocol Stack SPX retry count Components changed: SPX.SYS NSD20L01--18 When using SPX, your machine may have occasionally hung or you may have received SPX transmission errors. These problems no longer occur. Components changed: SPX.SYS Other Changes -------------------- NSD20L01--19 In previous versions, your system may have hung when you tried to use some 32-bit applications. The Requester now functions correctly with these applications. Components changed: NWIFS.IFS NSD20L01--20 Previously, some applications--including PKZIP.EXE--couldn't locate files with eight character filenames and three character extensions on a NetWare 2.2 server. All files can now be found. Components changed: NWIFS.IFS NSD20L01-21 Applications, such as databases, that do intense manipulation of records may have frozen or slowed the machine in previous versions. The Requester now functions properly with these applications. Components changed: NWREQ.SYS NSD20L01--22 Applications that repeatedly request use of a shared resource (file, device, etc.) over and over may have experienced problems. These problems no longer occur. Components changed: NWREQ.SYS NSD20L01--23 Formerly, you may have encountered errors on RIPL machines when file copies failed. This no longer occurs. Components changed: NWREQ.SYS NSD20L01--24 You used to receive an error message when logging into a NetWare 2.2 server. The message no longer appears. Components changed: NWREQ.SYS NSD20L01--25 When you tried to move a file from one NetWare server to another on the OS/2 desktop, you used to encounter problems. First, your machine appeared to hang. Then, after rebooting, you found numerous empty files had been created on the server you were trying to move the file to. This problem no longer occurs. Dragging a file from one server to another now works properly. Components changed: NWIFS.IFS NSD20L01--26 The RPRINTER utility now functions properly. Components changed: RPRINTER.EXE, RPRINTER.HLP ÿ